Serving people with disabilities and their families since 1992.
We are long-time leaders in intellectual disability and mental health law. Our office is located in Redmond and we practice all over western Washington. We understand the challenges that families face: worrying about the future, navigating complex systems and advocating for change. Let our experience help you and your family with your legal needs.
COVID-19 Update
We are currently conducting most business via telephone and video conference. We hope that you are staying well, and we look forward to talking with you!
A good estate plan brings peace of mind, particularly if someone in your family has special needs. Let us help you understand your options and develop a comprehensive plan.
We can also review your current wills or trusts and help you update them
When your child turns 18, you might need a guardianship or power of attorney. We have expertise in establishing, renewing, transferring and dismissing guardianships. Learn whether a guardianship is the right step for your family, or whether another alternative might work better.
Staying current with court reporting requirements can be stressful. Contact us to learn about our flat fees and our quick turnaround times.
Special needs trusts allow people with disabilities to stay on benefits like SSI and Medicaid. These trusts can be set up to exist now or after you pass away, and they can be funded with your assets or the person with the disability's own money. We can help you understand the different types of special needs trusts to determine the best fit for you.
ABLE accounts are also a good tool in many instances, and we can give you customized advice about them.
We can help you understand or create other types of trusts, including revocable living trusts. Often we can streamline and simplify your estate plan. We can even establish a pet trust for your furry friends.
When a loved one passes away we can assist with probate and with closing guardianships and trusts. We will make the process smooth and efficient, and we will walk you through each step.
We can help you prepare to apply for SSI and DDA benefits, and help you understand their rules.
Bring your child's IEP or 504 plan in for a consultation. We will help you find proposals and solutions to improve your child's school experience.
If you have a dispute with a neighbor, co-worker, or have an issue regarding special education, probate or guardianship, contact us to learn about our half-day mediation package.