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Larry Jones, the founder of the firm, retired in July of 2013. Larry became a lawyer because his daughter Wendy had severe intellectual disabilities. For a quarter century, he used the Americans with Disabilities Act and its predecessor statute to promote the integration and equal treatment of people with severe disabilities in our society. In 1984 his efforts on behalf of persons with intellectual disabilities were recognized when he was chosen national Volunteer of the Year by The Arc of the United States. Larry held a Ph.D. in Ethics and Society from the Divinity School of the University of Chicago (1975) and a J.D. from the University of Washington (1989). He passed away in 2021 after decades of service to the I/DD community.
Christy Ibrahim, the owner of the firm, has been an attorney at the firm since 1998. She has undergraduate degrees in English and in Psychology from Brigham Young University, and earned her J.D. from the University of Washington School of Law. She had a brother with Down Syndrome, and her mother, Margaret-Lee Thompson, started the King County Parent Coalition. She has taught Disability Law at the UW Law school for over 15 years and was inducted into the Public Interest Law Association's Hall of Fame at the UW Law school. She is the editor or co-editor of three disability law textbooks. She is a certified mediator, having completed her training at the University of Washington. Christy's favorite part of her practice is meeting with clients and their families. Christy gives presentations on guardianship, special needs trusts and special needs estate planning; please contact us if you would like her to speak to your group.
Bev Sweet has been a legal assistant with our firm since 2013. Bev has advocated on behalf of people with disabilities for over 25 years; her son with special needs taught her the importance of belonging. She has worked for The Arc of King County as Parent to Parent Coordinator and the Family/Educator Partnership Project through the Washington State Arc. Her past volunteer work included serving as the Lake Washington Special Needs Committee Chair. She is a two-time winner of the Golden Acorn award for her advocacy on behalf of students receiving special education services.
Sarah started work as a legal assistant at our firm in 2017. She works primarily on our annual and triennial guardianship reports and also helps with bookkeeping. She is a graduate of Brigham Young University and served a mission in South Korea. Sarah grew up in Kansas and moved to the Pacific Northwest in 2007. She has three wonderful children, including a daughter with special needs. Before having kids she worked as a landscape artist. She enjoys many hobbies such as reading, traveling, gardening, quilting, sewing and knitting.
Corinne joined the firm in 2019. She has a B.A. in Art History and Curatorial Studies, and obtained her J.D. and an LL.M. in Taxation from the University of Washington School of Law. Corinne’s favorite part of her practice is meeting with clients and learning their stories, which is why the people-centered practice of estate planning and guardianship law called to her. Corinne’s interest in disability law stems from her sister Laina, who lives with mental health disabilities. When not working, Corinne looks for opportunities to volunteer. Corinne’s past volunteer experiences include several years of volunteering at the Utah County Crisis Line, and one year with the UW Law Tribal Public Defense Clinic at the Tulalip Tribal Court. Her current commitments include an annual ten day trip to rural Alaska, where she prepares tax returns for native Alaskan villagers. Corinne loves working with people from a variety of backgrounds, and applies warmth and compassion to the practice of law.
Sean Hyde joined the firm in 2021. Before law school, he graduated from the University of Idaho where he received a Bachelor of Science in Political Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and History. He then received his law degree from the University of Washington School of Law. While there, he participated in the Mediation Clinic to help resolve Small Claims Court cases and was a member of Washington International Law Journal. He is excited to use the tools from his education to help clients resolve their legal issues and to learn their stories along the way.